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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Add the ability to filter a new trigger with a particular role associated with multiple users

cmz 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Now it is not possible to filter a trigger with a security role. That would be nice if we want to be able to receive an e-mail if any of the users who are member of this role is connecting to a server.

Pending Review

Add detailed OS version to General tab

Branislav Kosik 5 years ago 0

Now, in General tab is OS shown as "Vendor (SystemName)", e.g. "Microsoft Corporation (Windows 10 Pro)", probably after upgrade to ConnectWise Control 2019.4 (maybe in earlier versions also). The better would be to show OS as "Vendor SystemName (SystemVersion)", e.g. "Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (10.0.17763)", as was before in 2019.0 (according to Release notes I founded here: https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Control_Documentation/Release_notes/ConnectWise_Control_2019.0_Release_notes)

Pending Review

An iPhone Client app to work with the iPhone Control app

John T Kerry 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Something that would give a temporary connection to an iPhone or Android on an as needed basis for our network clients - like the ability to send a temporary client via code by text.

Pending Review

Timeline for Cloud Instance Upgrades

Tamon 5 years ago updated by Simon 5 years ago 1

It would be nice to have some sort of time table available for when Cloud instances will be auto upgraded. At first I believed I needed to force the update myself, however, someone at support informed me you all completed them for us automatically. 


Submit Request to Symantec for Whitelisting Control Clients on Symantec Endpoint Network Threat Protection

Waseem 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 5

Symantec constantly flags Control Clients as potentially unwanted because of the change in behavior when connecting to Control Cloud relay. Please contact Symantec to whitelist Control behavior when connecting to screenconnect.com.

More details can be found in ConnectWise Service Ticket #12456645

Pending Review

Ability to create a group based on past command results

Francis Lessard 5 years ago 0

I would like to be able to use the command pane buffer in group filtering, much like notes , i e (Notes LIKE '*keyword*')

That way i could run a command on multiple Guests and my group would build upon expected results.

Thanks !

Pending Review

Separate Relay and "On-demand Support" server for on-premise

JohnD123 5 years ago updated by anonymous (Product Marketing Manager) 4 years ago 0

Hey folks!

So what I would like is to have one server to act solely as a relay server with no outer https access other than specific whitelisted ips which administration and technician will use.
That way the server will be protected from many outer attacks.

Then another server which will be used as a "slave" and forward the request to the relay/admin server that will be open for clients to establish a support session.

Can this already be done?

Pending Review

Connectwise Control SIMPLE Filter Acccess to quickly find machine

Brent Ruggles 5 years ago updated by Mayfield 5 years ago 1

Dear ConnectWise Dev Team,

For those of us that are not fluent in SQL statements could you please consider to add a Search BOX to look up a remote machine by simply typing in the name? We have over 300 machines and scrolling with the mouse takes way too long. I have talked with inside sales and tech support and they also strongly agree, Think it would save everyone as a group a huge amount of time in getting into a remote machine quicker. Thanks for your consideration

Pending Review

Access Sessions: When ended via the server, client event log should record should make note.

william 5 years ago 0

When you end an Access session on the server; it currently stops the service on the client.

It should make an entry in the windows event log that states _why_ it was ended.