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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Automated chat response during certain times

cody 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

Is there a way to setup automated chat for after hours? This way when a client chats us, it will automate a response stating that they reached us outside of normal business hours. If it's a true emergency, call.......



Map Toolbox to Shared Drive

PGPTech 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 5


was looking for a way to map an existing folder in a shared drive to the toolbox, instead of having to upload files from the shared drive to the toolbox.

I have a software folder that has a few Gigabytes of software and instead of uploading the software to toolbox, I think it would be easier to just point the toolbox to the software folder if possible.



Hi PGPTech, 

On Windows machines, you'll see the option in the host client to "change folder" for your personal toolbox. You can remap your personal toolbox to the shared drive. Note that this is for your personal toolbox only, not the shared toolbox. 

Hope this helps!


Under Review

Reduce the file size of vidoes

support 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

We record all of our remote sessions and save the files locally, but the files are always very large. We are having to zip them at the moment, but it would be useful if there was a quality/size setting so the files could be saved at much smaller sizes.

Pending Review

Allow TFA from Parent account to be used for all instances

Wayne 5 years ago 0

It used to be that when authenticating at cloud.screenconnect.com, you would be authenticated for all of the licensed instances.

Now we are required to login to each individual instance as well, including TFA, where a single login with TFA worked just fine several days ago.

It would be extremely helpful, especially if you have to toggle between instances frequently,  to go back to allowing the primary authentication to be applied to each individual instance to avoid having to log in multiple times.


Identified developer for Mac

mwagoner 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 3

When you install Mac apps, plug-ins, and installer packages from outside the App Store, macOS checks the Developer ID signature and notarization status to verify that the software is from an identified developer and that it has not been altered. With macOS Mojave, developers can also have their app notarized by Apple—an indication that the app was uploaded to Apple and passed a security check before it was distributed.


Customize message

Luis Madrid 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 months ago 1

we have integrated the connect wise with freshdesk and there is a button that automatically sends an email with a link. I want to personalize that message

Under Review

Ensure CW Control's Java WebStart (JWS / JNLP) Client(s) work with OpenWebStart

Stephen Gornick 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Oracle discontinued support for Java Web Start (JWS / JNLP) and removed it from official Java distributions starting with Java 11.

This means to use CW Control from a Linux (e.g., Ubuntu) workstation a significantly older version of Java, Java 8, must be installed and configured for use.  This is not a recommended practice, especially since Oracle no longer provides free updates for Java 8.  [I believe this impacts CW Control's Mac OS X client(s) as well, if they are JWS/JNLP also.]

OpenWebStart is an open source implementation of the WebStart and JNLP standards (JSR-56):

- https://openwebstart.com

It is still in Beta, but has an aggressive schedule to have a release candidate in the coming months.    Not all features will be supported initially:

- https://openwebstart.com/feature-table/

So CW may wish to ensure that the CW Control Java app will run within the confines of what OpenWebStart will support initially and/or assist with the OpenWebStart open source project (e.g., financial sponsorship and/or developer contribution) to ensure OpenWebStart has all the features required by CW Control.

More info:



Alternative approaches:



Pending Review

Prompt for code - 2 Factor Authentication

Ben 5 years ago 0


Is there a way to restrict remote access to computers using

something like two factor authentication for remote access agents? Not

the prompt for consent to control but like a verification code on the

end user side that they have to give us to remote onto their computer.

Need to set aside some computers for very strict remote access

Pending Review

Microsoft Service Manager Console interaction with ConnectWise Control

Cristobalcat 5 years ago updated by Mark Walker 5 years ago 1

Microsoft Service Manager Console interaction with ConnectWise Control

We handle +1000 Computers in our organization, we use Microsoft Service Manager Console for ticketing.

It would be great to connect remotely with CC within Service Manager.

Thanks! =)

Pending Review

Consent required regardless of user signed in or not per Access Group

toddh 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 4


As I understand there is a global option available that allows you to control whether consent is required when a machine does not have a user signed in.

I was wondering if it would be possible to have this as a per access group option? 

For example, if we had the global setting configured to not require consent when no user is signed in, we could change the setting at the access group level to require consent regardless of whether or not a user is signed in.


  • We want to provide access to an external consultant. This consultant should not be allowed in though until consent is given, regardless of whether or not a user is signed in. In order to consent, an administrator would need to be signed in on the server to receive the consent request.

Hopefully this makes sense.
