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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review



Pending Review

Advanced subgroup syntax to sort by hour

jolewis 5 years ago 0

I would like if we can sort subgroups into GuestInfoUpdateTime by the hour, this will help us tremendously as we have a task that requires us to report machines that are offline by the hour.

Pending Review

Extend Timeout of MFA

Dominick Fair 5 years ago 0

Currently there's a certain length of time before CW Control times out during MFA. I want to be able to increase the time count as our server takes a longer amount of time than usual to send out the MFA text. This happens after you enter your password and then the text is sent out by the server to the designated mobile device. For the time being we are using other MFA methods to avoid the timeout issue since we cannot change the length of time before it times out. 

Pending Review

Work with Trigger Graphics Adapter

Asher O 5 years ago 0

I'm using the latest version of CW Control (ScreenConnect) as of the time of this post, and have found that my one of my graphics adapters is not compatible with the ScreenConnect "blank host screen" feature.  Basically the remote window & host will constantly flash black and never "stay" black.  It flashes indefinitely.

I worked with tech support to identify the issue and they advised me to post this as a feature request.

Device: Startech USB2DVIE2

Driver Name: Trigger II External Graphics

Driver Version: 1.4.1802.810

Thank you,


Pending Review

Ability to selectively remove unused Custom Properties from "Access" "General" tab to recover vertical space

kebates 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 3

I don't use any of the new Access Custom Properties [Company, Site, Department, and Device Type], so I would like to be able to remove or hide them from the Start and General Access tabs. They take up vertical space and push the information I do use further down. 



Hi Kebates, 

You can hide these custom property fields using the following Web Resource string on the Appearance page: 

SessionProperty.CustomX.AccessVisible, where X is the number of the custom property (1-4)

Just set the visibility from true to false and they disappear. You have the option of choosing whether they appear on the Support, Meeting, or Access pages. 

Pending Review

Remove white space from machine info

Jeff Prater 5 years ago 0

We recently upgraded to 19.3. One thing we noticed was when viewing the General tab for a machine, there's a lot of white space:

Image 486

It would be nice if these categories could be consolidated like so:

Model: OptiPlex 390
Dell Inc.
BIOS Name:
Default System BIOS
BIOS Serial:

Also, I don't know if this is a bug, but there should be some spacing between "ago" and "Update" at the top. It looks funky running together like that.

Pending Review

Vendor/User Access

Jay H 5 years ago 0


What is everyone doing to provide remote access to vendors or users? With LMI you had the ability to create them an account. Yes, i know i can create the account and give them access to their machine but that will use up a license within our organization. 

Are there any plans for this down the road?

How is everyone utilizing a server that needs multiple people connected to it?

Pending Review

MFA OTP Email Template Edit Abilities

Dominick Fair 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

Have the ability to change the OTP email that is received by the user i.e. be able to edit the text and color scheme for the email that goes out when a user is prompted for their OTP at login. 

Pending Review

Cloud Hosted Control - ability to set Support Session Default connection on client would be helpful. If end user does not have admin rights ClickRunOnce launch option allows Service Mode to be possible to gain local admin access.

chrisl 5 years ago 0

I have found a work around but it involves the interaction from the end user to navigate some options when connecting to a Support Session. Although the end result is possible it is not going to be easy to walk some end users through getting a technician connected since the current Default is it downloads a .EXE client install file.