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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

would like it to be possible to include more information than "Your Name:" in prompt and email notification for the Control portal when a session is initiated

rob 5 years ago 0

when someone connects to our connectwise portal, it just asks for their name, one field, and then it also sends us an email notification with the fact that they are connecting with us and also the name they put in.Would like to have more fields, like email address, phone number, company, etc and also have that emailed.

Pending Review

Simple bandwidth monitor or flagging for ConnectWise Control

Burt 5 years ago 0

We have a small office workgroup of 8 computers and I use ConnectWise in it's most basic form to connect to user's PC when there is an issue they need help with, to install updates and the like. One common question is 'why is the network running slow?!' and I wondered if you could add a simple feature or free/fee extension that would allow a quick sense of what a particular device bandwidth usage is, and/or a simple threshold flag so you could see what PC is 'running in the red' and if possible what process is likely to blame. Doesn't have to run in realtime, just when there is a perceived problem if could be launched to determine the likely culprit.

I see ConnectWise Automate but frankly more power than I can handle or need.

Pending Review

Ability to use groups in Azure SAML SSO

RBJ 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 3

Currently when using the SAML auth with Azure AD it only allows adding users individuality in Azure you cannot add a group. We have a large number of users and they come and go so this because a lot of management overhead. 

Pending Review

Force a guest to provide name and/or email before joining a session

jpofi 5 years ago 0

When you send a guest a host pass for a session, prompt the guest to enter a name and/or email before he/she connects. This would help with auditing sessions. Currently, all we see in the log is "Host name (Pass)." ie: jsnow (Pass)

Pending Review

testing testing testing

Sean White 5 years ago 0
Under Review

Pull a Report for all computers listed having a license

Jason Duster 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 2

I would like to do an audit of all computers that are using a license of Control / Screen Connect.  I would like to be able to get this in an CSV file based off of comptuter name.  I would like to compare that with our active inventory list to ensure that we do not have computers with a license that are no longer in service. 

Under Review

More /closer server instances for Europe.

eurogame_ro 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 3

Hi. I am from Romania, and I am struggling for months with poor performance, not because my connections ( most are over 300mbps), but because the closest cloud server location for me is Dublin, Ireland. I chatted with the support, and we came to the same conclusion, a server closer to me would be the solution. Right now my performance is so bad, that sometimes even on the LOW Quality i have like 4 fps.

Under Review

Daily session report

Andy Stallard 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 2

Useful for Billing but also traceability/auditing and user performance tracking.

Under Review

Change Logs on Download Page

mariusb 5 years ago updated by anonymous (Product Marketing Manager) 5 years ago 5


My Feature request is for a link to the actual change logs straight from your standard download page for Control.

So on this page just a hyperlink to the changes in that version.
