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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

reinstall agent on support tab

MatthewDataserv 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 3

Add the feature from Access tab to Support as well. It would be really helpful.

Under Review

The old desktop client back - please

pa 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 5

Please let us have the old desktop client back

Pending Review

Release Notes organization

Richard Mixon 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

When we installed version 19.0 our ScreenConnect/Control users were surprised by the new menus and menu tiles. Once they had time to adjust they like them - but it was an unplanned for Monday morning surprise.

We had scanned the 66(?) items in the "Improvements" list but somehow the 33rd and 34th items in the 69 item list just did not stand out to us:

  • Update .NET client toolbar
  • Implement new Tiled Menu design in .NET host client

We also did a quick exercise of the UI, but we do not use it day by day like our support staff so we missed this.

Please consider highlighting actual UI changes or putting them in a "UI Improvements" section.

Thank you - Richard

Under Review


rimsupport 5 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 1 1 duplicate

We need to install Screenconnect on our client systems which are having Windows10S OS.We are unable to install screenconnect on those systems.Please add screenconnect in App Store.That is highly appreciable.

Pending Review

need more accounts with abiltiy to have control panel, this way notifications can go to more than one email address, today the ip addresses change and we were down for several hours untill I saw the email

Aiman Iswaisi 5 years ago 0

need more accounts with abiltiy to have control panel, this way notifications can go to more than one email address, today the ip addresses change and we were down for several hours untill I saw the email

Considering for Future Release

Add host username to screen capture filename

AnthonyATech 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 2

As many companies do, we have multiple techs work on guests for the same ticket. We take screenshots of progress, changes and results for obvious quality assurance and CYA reasons and attach them to our third party ticket system (CommitCRM). In a scenario where multiple technicians would work on a guest machine, its a painstaking process of renaming each filename with the host's username in it so there is no conflict when attaching to the ticket. Can we add a way to modify the name utilized when saving the screen capture?

Pending Review

Change default status / chat theme for client

OriginSystems 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 0

Ability to change the default status and chat theme for clients globally, ideally via a setting on Administration > Appearance

Considering for Future Release

Green icon for unread messages not easy to notice now

Sasa 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 8

We just updated to a newest version and green icon for unread messages moved to the right side and it is hard to notice now.

Please give us option to move to the left as before.

Image 425

Sean White 5 years ago

Thanks for your request. One thing that you can do to increase visibility is to create a session group so that all unread chats will be in one location.

Here is a reference on Session Groups: https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Control_Documentation/Get_started/Host_page/Session_groups

The specific filter you would use is:

UnacknowledgedEventCount > 0

Pending Review

Select Default Screen for Launch

phils 5 years ago 0

I would like the option to choose which monitor/screen my Control client launches on. I do my remote sessions on my secondary monitor, so every time I launch a remote session I have to MOVE the window to the other screen.