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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Set up SAML with Azure AD as enterprise application

Simon 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 2 years ago 17

As of October 15 this year, Azure AD no longer accepts domains that the tenant doesn't manage themselves in their App ID URI field when setting up a custom SAML app, domains like screenconnect.com

This makes sense, I suppose, because custom SAML apps are for those trying to integrate apps that they built themselves or at least manage the DNS records for.

Anyway, this new development means that ConnectWise in fact no longer supports SAML integration with Azure AD / Microsoft 365.

The issue has been registered as #SCP-37400 on ConnectWise Home, but I think the way forward is clear — ConnectWise should register Control as an enterprise app on Azure AD, like Splashtop and Teamviewer have done. That's why those solutions haven't been affected by this new policy by Azure AD.

Registering as an enterprise app would be ideal, as this would make the set up process for SAML integration much easier as well.

Pending Review

Non-Persistent VDI

Alex Whiteraft 5 years ago updated by Alex Heylin 5 years ago 3

Please create an ability to automatically clean up offline VMs in a non-persistent VDI environment.

Pending Review

Block old installers from being able to create new sessions in ScreenConnect.

Chuck Cuthbertson 5 years ago updated by CFB Computers 4 years ago 3

To prevent random machines from showing up in the ScreenConnect portal if your installer somehow gets out into the wild, it would be nice if you could prevent old installers from creating new sessions.

Under Review

Backstage Scrollback

Ryan Christensen 6 years ago updated by David T 6 years ago 2

We just recently updated to 6.9 and backstage is amazing. Wanted to add a feature request for longer scroll back (buffer) in the command and powershell windows. Having no scroll back at all is quite limiting. Thanks!


Disable Host Console Screen Animations option in 6.6

cdsdave 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 3

The Animations are unnecessary and they currently refresh after using the Command Tab and take you out of that tab after each command.  It also has broken the auto-suggest in the Notes in the START Tab and the General Information Extension also freaks out and needed to be disabled.


Please visit the below for documentation on how to disable host page animations. 


Considering for Future Release

Indication of who is controlling the mouse (possibly by color)

dyoo 7 years ago updated by cg2 3 years ago 4

Highlighting the mouse in different colors depending who is controlling would help assess who is controlling the action in support session and/or audits.

Under Review

Add a Giant Arrow pointing to the Download that users need to open and run.

steven owen 7 years ago updated by Oli Terry 6 years ago 15

Users do not read. Period. They just click on the "Run" image that is displayed on the instructions page. Please add a GIANT, obvious arrow pointing to where they need to click to actually open and run the download. I use this program at least 20 times a day, and this would save me hours of explanation and confusion from users who don't read the instructions page.
Thank you!

Under Review

Store credentials based on machine group

Dan D 8 years ago updated by Phil Karam 5 years ago 4

Who likes typing in passwords 100x a day? Nobody. Let's store our passwords in ScreenConnect BY CLIENT/MACHINE GROUP. Admin passwords are set in Labtech, so it would be handy if we could pass those creds over and have ScreenConnect input them for us. If we could set them in ScreenConnect, that works too. Then we could have a button to send domain admin credentials or whatever to the login screen. This will increase productivity and provide more security because less techs will be typing these out all the time. We already use 2 factor authentication, so this will recover some of that time spent logging in. Let's evolve!

Under Review

Trigger for User Logon

Bobby Bauer 8 years ago updated by PCS 5 years ago 3 1 duplicate

We would like to see the ability to trigger at user login (or failed login attempt). This should include the external IP address that the user authenticated from, along with the user name. If there's anyway to pull in where the external IP originates from that's always helpful.

Considering for Future Release

Computer Added trigger to email machine information when installed

Stuart 8 years ago updated by Rhys Comley 3 years ago 3

We've got a trigger set up that emails us when a new access client is installed:
Event.EventType = 'CreatedSession'

However, the CreatedSession event occurs immediately when a session first calls back to the server, so has very minimal information (the Session.SessionID, and that's it).

We'd like to see more detail being fed back on that EventType.:

- {Session.SessionID}: The unique ID of the session in GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) format
- {Session.Name}: The name of the session
- {Session.Host}: The user name of the host of the session
- {Session.SessionType}: The type of the session: 'Support', 'Meeting', or 'Access'
- {Session.IsPublic}: A flag indicating whether the session is public
- {Session.Code}: The access code for the session, if defined
- {Session.Notes}: A semicolon-delimited list of all notes added to the session
- {Session.HostConnectedCount}: The number of hosts connected to the session
- {Session.GuestConnectedCount}: The number of guests connected to the session
- {Session.CustomPropertyN}: The value of custom property N; N is 1-8 (CustomProperty1 is "Organization" OOTB)
- {Session.GuestLoggedOnUserDomain}: The domain of the user logged onto the guest machine
- {Session.GuestLoggedOnUserName}: The name of the user logged onto the guest machine
- {Session.GuestLastActivityTime}: The time of last activity on the guest machine
- {Session.GuestMachineDomain}: The domain or workgroup of the guest machine
- {Session.GuestMachineName}: The name of the guest machine
- {Session.GuestOperatingSystemName}: The name of the operating system of the guest machine
- {Session.GuestOperatingSystemVersion}: The version of the guest operating system, in N.N.N.N notation
- {Session.GuestProcessorName}: The name of the processor on the guest machine
- {Session.GuestProcessorVirtualCount}: The number of virtual processors on the guest machine
- {Session.GuestSystemMemoryTotalMegabytes}: The total system memory on the guest machine, in megabytes
- {Session.GuestSystemMemoryAvailableMegabytes}: The available system memory on the guest machine, in megabytes
- {Session.GuestClientVersion}: The version of client software on the guest machine, in N.N.N.N notation
- {Session.GuestNetworkAddress}: The network address of the guest machine, usually in N.N.N.N IPv4 notation
- {Connection.ConnectionID}: The unique ID of the connection in GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) format
- {Connection.ProcessType}: The process type ('Unknown', 'Guest', 'Host') of the connection as a string
- {Connection.ClientType}: The client type ('Unknown', 'DotNetWinForms', 'JavaSwing', 'JavaAndroid', 'MonoTouchIos') of the connection as a string
- {Connection.ClientVersion}: The client version of the connection
- {Connection.Attributes}: The attributes of the connection, currently unused
- {Connection.NetworkAddress}: The network address of the connection, usually in N.N.N.N IPv4 notation
- {Connection.ParticipantName}: The participant name of the connection
- {Connection.ConnectedTime}: The date/time connected of the connection
- {Event.EventID}: The unique ID of the event in GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) format
- {Event.Host}: The host that performed the event, if it was performed outside of a connection
- {Event.EventType}: The type of the event as a string; values are listed below
- {Event.Time}: The date/time of the event
- {Event.Data}: Data that describes the event