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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Support SC server options to move to LDAP on Linux Servers

anonymous 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 18

Partner would like the possibility of moving SC server from internal authentication to LDAP on Linux.

Considering for Future Release

Add a way to set a default zoom level.

hmoore 6 years ago updated by Jan 5 months ago 7 1 duplicate

I would like a way to set a default zoom level, particularly to 100%. Every day the zoom is automatically set to higher, we have to change it to 100%. It would be nice to have the functionality to set a default, as you can with screen quality.

Under Review

Windows 10S Client

Shane Grocke 7 years ago updated by gil pdo 5 months ago 9 1 duplicate

Now that Windows 10S is out and Applications are locked to the Microsoft Store - we need to still ScreenConnect to our clients using Windows 10S but cannot install the client.  Can the client be added to the Microsoft Store?

Under Review

Under General would be nice if shows Last Logged On User:

Erick Anderson 8 years ago updated by zyrk 6 years ago 5 1 duplicate

Under General would be nice if shows Last Logged On User:

Not just the current but when they log off you can tell who was the last person log in.. would be nice if shows that.

Considering for Future Release

"Silent" Session Monitoring - Quality Control Monitoring

Matthew Swanson 8 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 9 5 duplicates

This was previously submitted in the forums, but I can't find a FR on User Echo. Our call center director asked for an update, so I'm resub,it ting and hoping it is already on the roadmap.


GoToAssist has the ability for privileged users to invisibly connect to a session and monitor a session by one of their representatives. While conencted, the manager cannot interact with the session, but can see the session in real time. The agent has no visibility to the fat that they are connected.

As we've been switching, our Call Center managers have found that they miss this feature.

I would think a similar feature would be useful for quality control.

Pending Review

View Only Permission

Fred 5 years ago updated by Virdual IT 3 years ago 10 5 duplicates

I would like to a permission that allows a user to view but not control sessions. Currently a host pass can be given with View Only access but that permission can't be given to a user.


Run native 64 Bit client on 64 Bit OS

Drashna Jaelre 8 years ago updated by Justin Seifert 3 years ago 16

Basically, this thread: http://forum.screenconnect.com/yaf_postsm35204_Client-Version-5-6-runs-in-32-bit-mode-on-64-bit-machines.aspx#post35204

Apparently in 5.6 and up, the client service runs as a 32bit process regardless of the OS bit-ness, due to a change from C#/.NET to C++.

This is a problem for a bunch of reasons. Including misreported info, as well as binary access. The "C:\Windows\System32\" folder displayed and accessed in the "Command" section is in fact "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\" and prevents access to a number of command line tools.

The client really needs to be a 64-bit process on 64-Bit OS's.

anonymous 7 years ago

Hi All,

There was a fix implemented that will enable a temporary redirect to the sys32 directory when needed. 

Considering for Future Release

Sub-Administrator account role that can perform Admin functions

Dean 8 years ago updated by Sylvain Francoeur 4 years ago 5 1 duplicate

Example Roles:

Administrator - Us
Technicians - Us
2nd Department Administrators - Others
2nd Department End Users - Others

The 2nd Department by role definition is only able to see and access their Session Group. We do have some Administrators on their side who are able to see all of their machines and can perform all ScreenConnect actions with the agents in their Session Groups.

We'd love an Administrator-level role for this 2nd department that would allow one of their admins to create/delete users and settings for their departments' associated roles. Thank you!


Extend "Join Session" countdown timer

Jon 8 years ago updated by Bo Wang 3 years ago 16 2 duplicates

Need a way to extend the countdown timer past 5 seconds when joining a session so it does not automatically switch to a different method if it took 6 or 7 seconds to successfully join the first time. When it switches it not only tries to open another way but sets it that way in the future for next time. After that we need to set it back to the preferred method to connect and occasionally have this battle again if it didn't join instantly.

Under Review

Linux / Mac Improvements

James Joseph 9 years ago updated by Danvanf 2 years ago 34 1 duplicate

I made a post on the original forum but considering I don't see any new changes to linux on 5.6 I'd like to post this again here.

The update to Mac & Linux client (specifically linux) is very lacking in terms of appeal/interface/feature rich like it's Windows sibling.

There are features that aren't available on Linux or Mac like remote printing and the new lasso tool for searching for items etc. Not to mention that the interface could use a bit of a change also.

While I appreciate you supporting Linux & Mac as hosts when alot of other companies wouldn't even consider it I think there should be some consideration taken for providing close if not the same usability that Windows users can get.


Hi pfp,

Bijo is looking into how we could implement this request on OSX & Linux, and internally we have two different status (architecture & dev-in-progress) buckets the ticket is moving between. I have updated our setup so you aren't spammed :) sorry about that!