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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Remove "Login" field after SAML integration.

adam ellington 7 years ago updated by Asher O 9 months ago 25 2 duplicates

Have the option to only allow authentication through SAML once it's integrated.


Group Session for Clients Idle Longer than X days

Graeme Jones 8 years ago updated by Silas Sulser 6 years ago 22 2 duplicates

I would like to be able to have a session group filter for machines that have not been online for more than 30 or 60 days for example.


Add a user forgot password link

Zac 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 10 months ago 15 2 duplicates

Needed a link/option on the login page for users to reset their forms authentication password. .

swhite (Product Manager) 10 months ago

This functionality already existss, see here for more information:
Reset your password - ConnectWise

In order to reset your password without an administrator, these three conditions must be true:

  • An internal user source is enabled
  • The internal user source has at least one user
  • The internal user source has at least one user with a valid email address

If these conditions aren't met, you won't see the Forgot Password? link.


Require tech to enter a note/comment before joining and at the end of a session

anonymous 8 years ago updated by Bo Wang 5 years ago 26 2 duplicates

Partner asks to add requirement for tech's to enter a note/command ("Why are you connecting to this session") before joining and at the end of a session for auditing purposes.


Add "Uptime" or "Time since last boot" to General Info tab

Karl Brown 9 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 9

It would be nice to know at a glance how long it has been since a system was last rebooted.

Forum Post related to this.



We added system uptime, along with a few other additional details, to the general tab. This should become available within the next two releases (6.6-6.7).

Under Review

One-button login with Stored Credentials

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Sean Keown 5 years ago 8

Partner is requesting a way to join sessions faster when the guest machine is at the login screen.

Current behavior is

1. Join session
2. Send Ctrl+Alt+Delete
3. Send session credentials

The request states that the customer would like to click join and SC automatically performs all three steps so he can continue working seamlessly when the credentials are stored.

host_client login stored_credentials
Considering for Future Release

MAC OSx ability to Screen Split

Nelly3708 3 years ago updated by Connor P 8 months ago 17 3 duplicates

Dev team,

Can you provide the feature for split screens option on Mac OSx. I am able to do it on my windows machine, but not able to do it on a mac. 


Create separate role permissions on Session Sub Groups

Henry Booth 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 21 4 duplicates

The ability to grant specific role permissions to sub groups in addition to standard session groups would be fantastic, would simplify our session group screen and would keep everything nice, logical and tidy.

Under Review

Allow the Automatic Screen Recording to be limited to a single device

asteidl 9 years ago updated by patrick 7 months ago 21 5 duplicates

Allow the Automatic Screen Recording to be limited to a single device instead of global setting that applies to all devices.

This is a feature of Extended Auditing. http://help.screenconnect.com/Administration_page_audit_tab

Considering for Future Release

Smart card pass thru support for Windows Login and/or Admin Functions

Steven 9 years ago updated by Benjamin 4 years ago 18

From CW-7588576:

Partner is looking for a means to be able to use smart cards through a session to support smart card requirements for admin functions on remote systems. Notes that RDP supports a pass through device so local smart card is presented through the RDP session to the remote system for Authentication.