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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

Add ability to encapsulate relay traffic in SSL

Michael Legato (Support) 9 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

Partner is requesting the ability to encapsulate all relay traffic in SSL, because occasionally, advanced network devices doing SSL packet inspection over port 443 will drop SC Relay traffic as it doesn't recognize the type of traffic. Partner understands that the relay is already encrypted with AES256.


Under Review

Chat Pop-up Notification and Sound in Host Interface

c72f8b1c 8 years ago updated by Simonz 4 years ago 12 2 duplicates

Feature: Add an audible sound notification and 'toaster' pop-up notification in browser when a chat message is received while logged into the ScreenConnect host user interface.

Currently, a sound indicating a received chat message is played only when an active support session window is open.

No sound or notification pop up is displayed or made when a chat message is received when logged into the host interface. Only a small green dot is displayed to indicate a received chat message. It is very easy to miss a received chat message without having a support session open to a given user.

Under Review

License Usage Reporting

Michael Francis 8 years ago updated by LeonB 2 years ago 9 1 duplicate

I would like to see a way to report on our license usage to see how well we are utilizing our licenses and if we need to purchase more. Currently I don't see any way to report this metric and it would be very useful.


ability to have installed only one printer on remote computer not all from my network

Paresh Chauhan 8 years ago updated by Merlin 3 months ago 14 2 duplicates

i want to have ability to install only one printer on remote computer. right now all my 15 printer shows up on remote computer and they stays there even when i am disconnect from them. and one of them make itself as default.


Add a public facing road-map

anonymous 9 years ago updated 7 years ago 6

Partner requests for a public facing road-map to view what SC is working on.

anonymous 7 years ago

Click the link below to view what's mapped out on our Roadmap. 



client side logging

Ryan 9 years ago updated by Katarina 5 years ago 17 2 duplicates

add a de-bugging mode to the client to capture connection information and the last error messages that appear on the client side when activated.

Under Review

Option to use touchID authentication for iOS app

Mike Bannerman 9 years ago updated by Bryan Crotaz 2 years ago 8

Partner request for the option to use TouchID for iOS devices to log into the SC app.

Under Review

Enable SC Router service by default to allow web and relay traffic on same port

Michael Legato (Support) 9 years ago updated by jeffshead 3 years ago 10

Partner would like to have the router service to allow inbound web and relay traffic on the same IP address enabled by default in the software.



Allow remote printing, that once turned on manually, stays on after disconnects, until disabled manually

david 5 years ago updated by Hussain El-Sayed 3 months ago 15

I have clients that use the remote printing feature of ScreenConnect daily, but after updating to v19.0, remote printing now needs to be toggled manually each time the host connects. I would like it if once remote printing is enabled then it stays active even after the host disconnects, unless disabled manually.


Add an option to specify a specific logon session when opening a session to servers/computers with multiple users

Dean Neillie 6 years ago updated by Dan Wilke-Grimm 6 years ago 17 3 duplicates

Example: Say you have a server that multiple users remote into. Currently you can assist them by opening an access session to the server, and then changing the logon session from the [serveradmin account] RDP session to the [user that needs help] rdp session. What I'm suggesting (especially as I can see direct benefit at least in my own environment) is to have an option for access sessions to open directly to a specific logon session. IE, rather than having one of my techs open an access session, then select a logon session, instead have them see multiple access sessions for each user, which automatically opens into that user's logon session.

This would be helpful for a variety of connectwise environments:

-It would be useful for those who charge clients a monthly fee based on how many users they support. It's easy to track supporting X number of users when you have X number of computers with access agents installed, but can be difficult if you have an unknown number of users that remote into a central server. If you were able to create access session groups based on user logon sessions, it would be easier to track active users. Because it's one thing to see that logon sessions on the server exist for whatever number of users, but it's another to be able to see things like 'this access session for User7's server session hasn't been logged into by a tech in months'

-It would be useful for those who assign specific users to specific Technicians (EG, companies that have tech1 assist users1-30, tech2 assist users 30-60, etc), as you could just give each tech permissions to the sessions for each user's logon session, instead of the entire server.

-It would be useful in helping stay organized with companies/clients that have large RDS environments, where you may have 30-40 users remoted into a given server. Instead of needing to go through a massive dropdown from the screenconnect client, you could leverage filters and groups through the web portal.

Those are just the examples that spring to mind right away, in addition to my own admittedly niche needs, just to demonstrate that a lot of people could benefit from this feature.